340 research outputs found

    Minimal deformations of the commutative algebra and the linear group GL(n)

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    We consider the relations of generalized commutativity in the algebra of formal series Mq(xi) M_q (x^i ) , which conserve a tensor Iq I_q -grading and depend on parameters q(i,k) q(i,k) . We choose the Iq I_q -preserving version of differential calculus on Mq M_q . A new construction of the symmetrized tensor product for Mq M_q -type algebras and the corresponding definition of minimally deformed linear group QGL(n) QGL(n) and Lie algebra qgl(n) qgl(n) are proposed. We study the connection of QGL(n) QGL(n) and qgl(n) qgl(n) with the special matrix algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) containing matrices with noncommutative elements. A definition of the deformed determinant in the algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) is given. The exponential parametrization in the algebra \mbox{Mat} (n,Q) is considered on the basis of Campbell-Hausdorf formula.Comment: 14 page

    Optimization of roll calibration for flange shape rolling. Groove space

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    The most important component of any rolling mill is the calibration of the rolls. The ability to obtain a finished product of high quality at minimal cost depends on the right calibration. According to the previous experience and practice a large number of different calibrations for the flange profiles production are known. The universal 'concept of two-stage optimization', consisting of two successively carried out optimization stages developed in the Department of Metal Forming of the Ural Federal University in relation to optimization of the roll calibration for flange shape rolling is considered in this article. Common features of these shapes classification and their variation levels are identified and justified. This developed classification structure is the basis for the formation of spaces of groove schemes, due to which the groove space is formed. In the software implementation the groove space is represented as a 'groove database'. In the future this database will be used to form the space of calibration schemes that are fundamentally suitable for these shapes rolling. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.The reported study was funded by RFBR according to the research project 20-38-90246

    Risk of sudden cardiac death in strength training

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    Physical activity is a generally accepted means of primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, but in some cases, it can be a risk factor for cardiovascular events, including sudden cardiac death (SCD). Most studies analyze the relationship of cardiovascular events with the volume and general directions of exercise. Besides, a significant part of the guidelines and studies are devoted to the effects of aerobic exercise, while the importance of anaerobic exercise remains controversial. The review analyzes works devoted to the influence of strength training, such as weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, etc., on the cardiovascular system, as well as their relationship with SCD and other cardiovascular events. The design and contingent of the analyzed papers did not allow them to be systematized correctly. Therefore, the review is largely analytical in nature

    Abstract Argumentation

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    Modeling of the Rolling Process of Channel No. 16 in the Expanded Grooves of a New Type

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    В ходе исследования был получен новый тип развернутого калибра для производства швеллеров — калибр с двойным уклоном действительных фланцев во внутрь профиля швеллера. Также было проведено компьютерное моделирование прокатки из стали 09Г2С швеллера по существующей калибровке и новой калибровке, модернизированной путем использования в ней калибров нового типа, в программном комплексе DEFORM.The groove with a double slope of the actual flanges into the channel profile was obtained. Computer simulation of channel rolling made of steel 09G2S in a new calibration with a new type of calibrations was carried. The DEFORM software package was used for thisИсследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-38-90246.The research was carried out with the financial support of the RFBR in the framework of scientific project No. 20-38-90246

    The ansamycin antibiotic, rifamycin SV, inhibits BCL6 transcriptional repression and forms a complex with the BCL6-BTB/POZ domain

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    BCL6 is a transcriptional repressor that is over-expressed due to chromosomal translocations, or other abnormalities, in ~40% of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. BCL6 interacts with co-repressor, SMRT, and this is essential for its role in lymphomas. Peptide or small molecule inhibitors, which prevent the association of SMRT with BCL6, inhibit transcriptional repression and cause apoptosis of lymphoma cells in vitro and in vivo. In order to discover compounds, which have the potential to be developed into BCL6 inhibitors, we screened a natural product library. The ansamycin antibiotic, rifamycin SV, inhibited BCL6 transcriptional repression and NMR spectroscopy confirmed a direct interaction between rifamycin SV and BCL6. To further determine the characteristics of compounds binding to BCL6-POZ we analyzed four other members of this family and showed that rifabutin, bound most strongly. An X-ray crystal structure of the rifabutin-BCL6 complex revealed that rifabutin occupies a partly non-polar pocket making interactions with tyrosine58, asparagine21 and arginine24 of the BCL6-POZ domain. Importantly these residues are also important for the interaction of BLC6 with SMRT. This work demonstrates a unique approach to developing a structure activity relationship for a compound that will form the basis of a therapeutically useful BCL6 inhibitor